简介:American abortion clinics are in a fight for survival. Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws are increasingly being passed by states that maintain they ensure women’s safety and health, but as clinics continue to shut their doors, opponents believe the real purpose of these laws is to outlaw abortion. World Premiere
简介:DREAM THE FUTURE transports us to the year 2050 by introducing us to the dreamers around the globe that are already building the future. Through them, we discover the scientific and technological innovations set to revolutionize daily life for the better over the next 30 years.?Each episode addresses a single issue affecting us all.?In the company of world-renowned experts, it examines the current situation and presents the major trends that will shape life in the future.?To illustrate each trend, one or several dreamers show us how their astonishing and spectacular projects satisfy the challenges of tomorrow and, in so doing, prove that the future is already underway.?Rich with popular references, each episode also compares science fiction fantasy with technological reality.?Finally, celebrity figures join in to share their dreams and visions.?The series reveals the passion, enthusiasm and creativity of the dreamers determined to change the world.
简介:Lucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the country for more than three centuries. It’s an epic tale that includes giant figures such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, the devastating struggle against Napoleon in 1812, and the shocking murders of Nicholas II and his family in 1918 which brought the dynasty to a brutal end. The Romanovs were the most powerful European monarchs since the Middle Ages, wielding unmatched authority into the 20th century. Lucy will see how they embraced and sponsored the arts on an astonishing scale, commissioning artworks and building spectacular palaces that still dazzle today. Yet many ordinary Russians were little better than slaves, and the failure of the Romanovs to address their condition would ultimately lead to revolution. In this new three-part series, Lucy will apply her characteristic insight, attention to detail and wit to the Romanov dynasty. Her understanding of royal tradition and culture, and her gift for bringing historical characters vividly to life, will create a fresh and compelling account of this unique royal family.
简介: 诗人和女友是一对不婚主义,可是后来,女友却食言了,女友最终选择和别的男人结婚。分手那天,诗人亲眼目睹了女友意外车祸身亡。诗人怀着悲痛离开了他们的故乡。三年后,女友忌日的当天,诗人重返了故乡祭奠女友。没想到回来后,诗人却意外迷失在时空隧道,穿梭于过去与未来,展开了一段奇幻的冒险,探讨着生命与爱情的意义,度过了一段闲情逸致的诗意之旅。 本片改编自90后天才导演——“小王家卫”李斌的小说《给我一个永远的谎言》,由美国摄影师John Smith 倾力执导,一部安静的散文式艺术电影,营造一种诗意迷幻主义,意识流风格的文艺片。在时光的洪流里,映衬内心的暗流涌动,安静如水,在这个浮躁的金钱社会里,回归内心的干净与纯真,让你的心中不时掀起阵阵涟漪。